A good thing about having a sports watch is that it helps you become aware of the negative effects of evening #alcohol consumption
by disrupting your #sleep
( https://runningwithrock.com/garmin-body-battery-hungover/ ). Despite being a sedative substance (making you fall asleep sooner), it reduces the amount of quality REM sleep (associated with memory and cognition) or delays its onset during the night ( https://theconversation.com/alcohol-may-help-you-fall-asleep-faster-but-it-leads-to-a-worse-nights-rest-overall-heres-why-246841 ). Regarding athletic performance
, it also affects many metrics such as "resting heart rate" and "heart rate variability" that, in the end, are linked to body recovery after training ( https://www.triathlete.com/nutrition/a-nutritionist-shares-what-a-month-of-no-alcohol-did-to-his-body/ ).